Sunday, July 27, 2008

Week 3: Flickr Tools

Well today I tried out Flickr Color Pickr, Montagr, and Spell With Flickr. I did enjoy Flickr in the earlier lesson but can not say that I was impressed with the Flickr tools listed above; they did not seem to have any larger purpose other then being mildly entertaining. I did find Big Huge Labs’ to be a little more useful and did entertain myself there by making a badge for my dog Happy Jack. He enjoys finding cats hiding in the bushes and shadows during walks so now he has a badge certifying him as a feline detector. I am looking forward to the future lessons.

Happy Jack’s badge:
Blogspot does not appear to recognize the file from Big Huge Labs' with Happy's Badge. I'll be back to investigate this more when time is available.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Week 3: Flickr
Hi all, I just got done poking around Flickr. There were many photos worth seeing, far more then I could possibly every have time to view. However I did find one to blog about. The link is above. The picture shows a small general aviation plane equipped with floats landing on a river or small lake in what appears to be an isolated location. I like the picture because of the questions and ideas it bring to my mind. It causes me to wonder about who is in the plane and what are they doing in such an isolated place that a plane is required to get to the location. Perhaps they are a couple coming up for romantic get away or a few buddies arriving for a week of hunting and fishing. Whoever they are seeking such a getaway I hope they enjoyed what they found.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Week 1: 7 1/2 Learning Habits

Hi everyone! Michael Sullivan here. I am looking forward to our journey along Leaning 2.0. From this week’s lesson "7 ½ Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners". The learning habit that I think is the most difficult to apply to Learning 2.0 is Habit 1 "Begin with the end in mind." While I certainly do engage in learning activities with an end in mind, most of my learning activities are simply exploratory in nature with no set end or goal. Learning 2.0, with it’s discovery exercises to help us become familiar with blogging, RSS news feeds, tagging, wikis, podcasting, online applications, and video and image hosting sites, also strikes me as more exploratory than goal orientated. Habit 2 "Accept responsibility for your own learning" is perhaps the easiest for me to apply. I enjoy learning and constantly seek out opportunities to learn new skills or knowledge. Sometimes I learn for professional growth, such as with Learning 2.0, but mostly I seek learning opportunities for my own personal stimulation.